197 articles eForm – WordPress Form Builder
Common Tutorials
Common how tos and tutorials related to eForm. You will find most of your queries answered here and we will often update it from the latest questions asked from the support forum.
Installation & Updation
Learn how to install or update eForm plugin in your WordPress setup. You will find guides related to normal installation, multisite installation, FTP installation and also update procedures.
Working with Form Builder
Everything related to the form builder of eForm. Learn how to properly use it and understand its different components.
Payment System
How to turn an eForm managed form into a complete payment system. Calculate payment amount through mathematical calculators and use PayPal and/or Stripe to collect payment.
Gutenberg Blocks
Learn about different gutenberg blocks eForm and add-ons contributes and how you can use them to insert forms, reports, stats, leaderboard, popup and more.
Shortcode & Widgets
eForm comes with a handy shortcode generator. It means you will never need to copy paste or write your own shortcodes. Learn how to use it with your WordPress editor and embed forms, reports etc on pages or posts or even custom posts. Starting version 3, we have also introduced drag and drop widgets to place forms, trends, reports and popups on your theme sidebars and footers.
Conditional Logic
Learn how you can show/hide fields based on conditional logic. Creating advanced and interactive forms has never been made easier.
WP Core Integrations
eForm can be used to perform a bunch of core WordPress stuff, especially logging in, registering and guest blogging. Learn how to use them in this series.
Third Party Integration
Working with third party integration available with eForm. Use your form to connect with newsletter and other CRM software.
Quiz Features
Learn about all quiz related features built right into eForm. It includes (but not limited to) scoring, designation, timer, stopwatch etc.
Form Submission & Related
Everything about form submission and submission time calculations, notification and sharing.
Managing Submissions
Learn how to effectively manage the submissions made to your form. Everything is saved in a database. You can edit them, send notification emails and so many other things.
Report & Analysis
eForm gives you an effective platform to seamlessly generate reports for submissions made to individual forms. Learn how to use this feature to quickly analyse the data.
Other Features
We have more to give. Learn about other cool things you can do with eForm - WordPress Form Builder.
Help for most common problems and their solutions regarding eForm plugin.
Plugin API
eForm comes with a handful of Application Programming Interface (API). All of them are nothing but hooks and filters inherited from WordPress itself. If you are a developer and would like to extend the functionality, then this is where you can learn from.