Instant Subscription before submitting the form

Starting with eForm version 4.14, it is now possible to instantly subscribe a user before even the form is submitted. This works by grabbing the First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone Number (if present) from the form as they type and doing an XHR request in the background where eForm will call your third-party integration on the provided data.

The primary benefit is, you don’t have to wait for the form being submitted before adding someone to your newsletter list (say for example MailChimp or MailerLite). As soon as they enter their name and email, you will have them.

Enable Third Party Subscription

To get started with the feature, first enable at-least one third-party subscription like MailerLite, MailChimp, Enormail, CampaignMonitor or any of the supported integration by eForm.

Enable Instant Subscription


It has the following configuration options.

  • Active Page to Call: The Page or tab where the user must be before the integration is called. This is useful to take consent from your user before adding them to the list.
  • Wait For: Number of milliseconds to wait for before all conditions are met to call instant subscription. If any of the data is changed during the wait for time, then previous call will be cancelled and eForm will take on the new data.

Depending on your user base and your form, you will need to tweak the Wait For time. Let’s say, someone has entered their name and email and is on the correct tab/page. eForm will notice this and will create a queue which will call the integration. In this wait time, the person notices that their name is incorrect and goes on to fix it. eForm will notice this too and will cancel the previous queue and will add a new queue once the user is done editing. We have found, using a 2500 milliseconds wait for time works for various scenario.

Now save the form and see it adding users to your list as they fill in the details.

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