Slider & Range Elements

eForm supports using sliders and ranges through three form elements.

  • Single Slider.
  • Single Range.
  • Multiple Grading.

All of them are accessible from Multiple Choice Questions. Multiple Grading is basically the grouping of either element.

Configuration of Slider Element

Basic Configuration

  • Minimum Slider Value: The number from which the slider counts.
  • Maximum Slider Value: The number to which the slider counts.
  • Slider Step Value: Slide steps.
  • Default Slider Value: The value at which the slider will stay when shown the first time.
  • Show Count: Shows numeric value of the slider when enabled.
  • Count Prefix/Suffix: HTML prefix and suffix.
  • Assign Score: Adds to the scoring function.
  • Score Multiplier: Multiply the slider selected value.
  • Show labels on slider: Shows pips type label on the slider.
  • First Label: The label of the first pip.
  • Middle Label: The label of the system calculated middle pip.
  • Last Label: The label of the last pip.
  • Other Label: Comma separated labels of other pips (shown at every step) excluding, first, last and middle.

Customize Validation

  • Do not accept minimum value: The slider will not accept if the value is set to the minimum.

Conditional Logic

Use this section to apply conditional logic.


The video shows a configuration which will render a slider like this.

Configuration of Range Element

Basic Configuration

Options are very similar to slider elements. We discuss only the different ones.

  • Default Minimum Value: Position where the left handle of the range will stay.
  • Default Maximum Value: Position where the right handle of the range will stay.

Configuration as shown above will render a range like this.

Multiple Grading

Grading is an element where you can put any number of sliders/ranges in a group.

Basic Configuration

Multiple Grading List

  • Use Range: Enable to show range. Keep it disabled to show sliders.
  • List of Options: A list of items against which you would like to show ranges/sliders. Each item in the list can override defined prefix, suffix, minimum, maximum and step value.

Configuration shown in the video will create a grading element like this.

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