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eForm comes with a handful of Application Programming Interface (API). All of them are nothing but hooks and filters inherited from WordPress itself. If you are a developer and would like to extend the functionality, then this is where you can learn from.

APIs on form output

Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_form_before Triggered right before the output of the actual form. This is triggered only if the form is submitable. Hook Uses Accepts one parameter, a reference to the IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Front object. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-front.php. Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_form_after Triggered right after the form output. Triggered only if the form is submitable. Hook Uses Accepts one parameter,…

APIs on label and richtext output handling

Filter: ipt_uif_richtext This filter is used to modify the richtext contents of element descriptions. Filter Uses Accepts one argument, the HTML string (rich text). Source Located in multiple sources Filter: ipt_uif_label Used to modify the output of form elements’ labels. Filter Uses Accepts one parameter, the label HTML (string). Source Located in multiple sources

APIs on third party integrations

Hook:ipt_fsqm_hook_integration Triggered when a submission is saved for the first time by a user and all predefined integrations have been processed. Hook Uses Accepts one argument, a reference to the IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data object. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-data.php. Filter: ipt_fsqm_integration_settings_tabs The ipt_fsqm_integration_settings_tabsĀ is used to extend the vertical tabs inside the integration settings. It comes in handy when…

APIs on file upload handling

Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_save_fileupload Triggered when saved files are updated after a successful submision save. Hook Uses Accepts one argument. A reference to IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data object. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-data.php. Filter: ipt_fsqm_files_blacklist Used to add/remove file extensions from upload blacklists. Added extensions would not be accepted by the file uploader. Filter Uses Accepts one argument, an array of…

APIs on Form Submission Handling

Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_save_insert Triggered when a new submission is stored in the eForm data table. Hook Uses The callback function is passed only one argument. A reference to the IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data object that has called the hook. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-data.php. Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_save_update Triggered when an older submission is being updated. Hook Uses The callback gets one…

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