Swashata has written 257 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at WPQuark.com. I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

eForm Payment flow and Retry Options

#1: eForm Payment Flow You set up the form with mathematical fields and elements. You enable the payment system and enter the final mathematical formula for calculating payment amount. Your user chooses form options. A total is calculated. User chooses payment gateway and fills up the form accordingly. Once submitted, the system processes the payment…

Enabling the Payment System in a eForm Form

Starting version 3, you can turn any eForm managed form into a fully featured payment system. The pre-requisites are: You have at least one element which supports mathematical calculation. You have at least one of the payment gateways enabled. To get started please follow the guide. #1: Enable Payment System Under the Payment > General…

eForm Developer’s Handbook

Starting version 3.0.0 we have published documentation for developer’s APIs and built in functionalities that you can use directly. These APIs come handy in case you want to extend eForm and/or develop your own addon to incorporate newer functionality. Please browse all the available APIs below. [notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]This tutorial assumes that you have…