To add cool shortcode features to this theme, simply use the Easy Bootstrap Shortcode plugin by osCitas Websolution Pvt. Ltd.
The theme automatically makes the plugin compatible without letting you do anything.
[button style=”btn-info btn-lg btn-block” icon=”glyphicon-link” align=”left” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download Now” link=””]
[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”glyphicon-check”]Compatibility Information[/iconheading]
Compatible CSS and JS Files
Removes the plugin css and js files to make use of theme’s default files.
Table of Contents of Affix Widget
The TOC of the Affix widget is compatible with the Icon Heading Shortcode.
Custom Icon Classes
Icon Shortcode accepts any of the valid classes mentioned here and will show the relevant icons. Simply put a class name, likeĀ ipt-icon-power-cord
inside the Custom Class of the shortcode buttons.
Eg: [icon type=”glyphicon-adjust” class=”ipt-icon-wordpress”] WordPress. [icon type=”glyphicon-adjust” class=”ipt-icon-power-cord”] WordPress Plugins.
This modification should work only on Icon Shortcode not on Icon Heading. To put custom icomoon icon on a heading, simply write it like this:
[html]<h2>[[icon type="glyphicon-adjust" class="ipt-icon-wordpress"]] WordPress</h2>[/html]
The Affix widget is smart enough to remove any HTML inside the heading tag while generating the Table of Contents.
Styled Tabs
Tab styles were hand crafted to match more with the theme.
Styled Lists
Navigation lists were also hand crafted to make it behave properly.
[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”glyphicon-thumbs-up”]Examples[/iconheading]
[toggles class=”yourcustomclass”]
[toggle title=”List Content”]
[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”]your list content[/li]
[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”]your list content[/li]
[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”]your list content[/li]
[toggle title=”Tooltips, Grids and PopOvers”]
[tooltip type=”link” link=”#” tooltip=”Tooltip” style=”top]Hover Me[/tooltip]
[column lg=”6″ md=”6″ sm=”6″ ]
[iconheading type=”h5″ style=”glyphicon-new-window”]Sample Icon Heading with Glyphicon[/iconheading]
[popover title=”A title” pop_content=” Morbi porttitor arcu in ante accumsan, ac dictum justo vestibulum. Pellentesque scelerisque ac massa ac interdum. Aliquam sit amet iaculis turpis. Duis ac odio quam. Mauris posuere nulla eu eros lacinia, vel egestas elit mattis. Integer laoreet euismod nisi vel dictum. Integer vel nisl malesuada, interdum diam nec, blandit eros. ” trigger=”click” style=”top” size=”” type=”btn-default” ]Popover Click[/popover]
[column lg=”6″ md=”6″ sm=”6″ ]
[iconheading type=”h5″ style=”glyphicon-new-window”]Sample Heading with Glyphicon[/iconheading]
[popover title=”A title” pop_content=” Morbi porttitor arcu in ante accumsan, ac dictum justo vestibulum. Pellentesque scelerisque ac massa ac interdum. Aliquam sit amet iaculis turpis. Duis ac odio quam. Mauris posuere nulla eu eros lacinia, vel egestas elit mattis. Integer laoreet euismod nisi vel dictum. Integer vel nisl malesuada, interdum diam nec, blandit eros. ” trigger=”hover” style=”top” size=”” type=”btn-default” ]Popover Hover[/popover]
[toggle title=”Well and Notifications”]
[well type=””]
Morbi porttitor arcu in ante accumsan, ac dictum justo vestibulum. Pellentesque scelerisque ac massa ac interdum. Aliquam sit amet iaculis turpis. Duis ac odio quam. Mauris posuere nulla eu eros lacinia, vel egestas elit mattis. Integer laoreet euismod nisi vel dictum. Integer vel nisl malesuada, interdum diam nec, blandit eros.
[well type=”well-lg”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam orci mi, laoreet eget elit vel, convallis fringilla arcu. Morbi rutrum dui vulputate, pretium risus id, egestas mauris. Maecenas laoreet elementum arcu et blandit. Mauris luctus ipsum a arcu scelerisque, eget blandit magna pharetra. Pellentesque lacus ligula, egestas ut condimentum ac, ultricies vitae quam. Nam eget ultricies libero. Nulla mi ligula, tincidunt non neque eu, mattis suscipit risus. Duis metus lacus, semper quis tincidunt ac, rutrum eget diam. Nullam rutrum tortor sit amet massa tincidunt malesuada. Nullam magna lacus, bibendum eu felis sit amet, interdum faucibus odio.
[well type=”well-sm”]
Morbi pellentesque nisl justo, eu scelerisque tellus hendrerit in. Nulla mollis lacus vitae tortor lacinia dapibus.
[notification type=”alert-warning” close=”false” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-warning” close=”true” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-success” close=”false” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-success” close=”true” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-info” close=”true” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-danger” close=”true” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[notification type=”alert-danger” close=”false” ]Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…[/notification]
[toggle title=”Panels”]
[panel style=”panel-primary”]
Panel Heading goes here
Content goes here
Footer goes here
[panel style=”panel-default”]
Heading goes here
Content goes here
[button style=”btn-primary btn-lg” icon=”glyphicon-dashboard” align=”left” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Button” link=”#”]
[dropdown dropup=”dropdown”]
[dropdownhead style=”btn-default” size=”” split=”split”]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item[/dropdownitem]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item[/dropdownitem]
[dropdownitem type=”divider”][/dropdownitem]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item[/dropdownitem]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item[/dropdownitem]
Progress Bar:
[progressbar value=”50″ bartype=”progress-bar-success” barstyle=”progress-striped active”]
[progressbar value=”80″ bartype=”progress-bar-danger” barstyle=”progress-striped active”]
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