31 articles Working with Form Builder Page 6 / 7

Everything related to the form builder of eForm. Learn how to properly use it and understand its different components.

Adding LaTeX formula inside your form

Starting version 2.5.0 eForm supports LaTeX implementation inside your form. It can be integrated to any richtext element or any question element which has options in it (like Single Options, Multiple Options, Sortable etc). Installing required plugin To get started you first need to install a plugin that provides LaTeX. You have two options: Install and…

Make the form automatically save progress

Activate auto save feature

Starting eForm version 2.6.0, we have introduced auto save functionality. The advantage is, your form would be saved automatically as you make progress right on the client’s browser. If the client decides to close the form and comes back after a few days later, then it will be restored. The data is kept for 30 days…

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