Publishing form statistics for eForm

eForm v3.4 has introduced a few statistics shortcodes for publishing the performance of forms. Namely we have introduced a total of three statistics shortcodes. All of them can be found under the new menu of eForm Shortcode Builder.

  • Open the eForm Shortcode builder.
  • Go to Insert Statistics Charts > Form Statistics.
  • Choose the relevant shortcode.

All of the statistics charts are responsive, uses Few’s Color Pallet for rendering color. The graphs are made using Chart.js.

Form Submission Breakdown


It shows how many submissions have been made for mentioned forms for past selected days. The shortcode has following options.

  • Form IDs: The numeric IDs of forms. You can have comma separated IDs like 1,12,4,22 etc or a single ID like 24 or all to show for all forms.
  • Number of days or date: If you mention an integer, then stat would be generated for past mentioned days since (including) today. If you mention date in YYYY-MM-DD format (like 2016-12-29 for 29th Dec 2016) then stat would be generated since (including) that day. Leave empty to calculate for all time.

Other options are quite self-explanatory. Use them to change graph labels, title and dimension.

Overall Submissions

It shows overall submission comparison through a pie or doughnut chart for selected forms over mentioned number of days.

The options are just like before, with only one exception of choosing the graph. It can either be pie or doughnut.

Score Breakdown

This chart shows score breakdown of mentioned forms. The system generates breakdown in a range of 10, like 0%-9%, 10% – 19% etc, including negatives.

To change the legend, edit the Graph Legend Format option. %1$d%% would be replaced by the lower value of the range, whereas %2$d%% would be replaced by the higher value of the range. Do note that having the percentage sign (%) is also optional. %1$d would simply hold the value, not the percentage sign. Since we want a percentage sign, we add it to the string with an escaped value (%%).

Change other options to modify the charts.

Swashata has written 259 articles

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