Swashata has written 257 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at WPQuark.com. I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

Adding Exception to Caching Plugins

While, eForm works well with most of the caching plugins, but sometimes, things like file-uploader breaks when the pages are cached aggressively. eForm by default minifies the HTML output, so in some cases, due to double compression some functionality may break. So solve this, you need to add the following RegularExpression Exception underĀ Page Caching andĀ CSS/JS…

Container configuration options under eForm

eform container

With eForm you can add as many containers as you want. Each of the container can hold as many elements that you require and you can easily rearrange across or within containers. Every container has different appearance for different types of forms. It will appear as tab for tabular appearance. For paginated appearance it will…