Swashata has written 257 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at WPQuark.com. I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

Formatting the Design of User & Admin Notification Email

eForm version 2.5.1 and upper, supports beautiful and responsive emails sent to users. The design of the email has been kept very minimalist and flat so that you can easily change colors etc to make it even more matching with your website. To get started, first make sure you have setup everything needed to send…

Sharing Results on Social Networking Sites

Success Message and Social Sharing

Starting from eForm v2.5.0, it has integrated feature to share quiz/survey/form results on most popular social networking sites. Currently eForm supports the following social networking giants: Facebook: Through feed dialog API or sharer. Feed dialog supports custom description, image, redirection uri etc. Twitter: Via share URL with title, (#) hashtag and (@) via support. Google…

Standalone Forms with pretty URL

eForm has support for standalone form pages. These are links through which a particular form can be accessed and submitted without loading the rest of your theme. An example is here. #0: Standalone Form Features: Pretty URL generated from Form Name and slug prefix. Like http://preview.wpquark.com/fsqm/eforms/quiz-elements/5/ Only form is loaded in page. Ideal for embedding in facebook…