Swashata has written 257 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at WPQuark.com. I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

Example: Adding custom settings to eForm Forms

With the help of FSQM’s built in APIs, it is possible to create and store custom settings variables for individual forms. Please check the snippet below to get started. Snippet Output The snippet above, when inserted properly in your plugin, would generate the following output. Populated Horizontal tab with options elements Populated Horizontal tab with…

Adding LaTeX formula inside your form

Starting version 2.5.0 eForm supports LaTeX implementation inside your form. It can be integrated to any richtext element or any question element which has options in it (like Single Options, Multiple Options, Sortable etc). Installing required plugin To get started you first need to install a plugin that provides LaTeX. You have two options: Install and…

eForm CSS and JS enqueue

Here is a list of all external scripts and styles used by eForm. JavaScript Enqueue Script Name Handle Dependency Source jQuery Timepicker Addon jquery-timepicker-addon jquery /lib/classes/class-ipt-plugin-uif-base.php jQuery Print Element jquery-print-element jQuery Mousewheel Intent jquery-mwheelIntent jQuery Mousewheel jquery-mousewheel jQuery Serialize JSON jquery-serializejson jQuery JSON jquery-json jQuery Custom Scrollbar ipt-plugin-uif-js-mcs jquery /lib/classes/class-ipt-plugin-uif-admin.php Font Icon Picker ipt-plugin-uif-fip-js ipt-plugin-uif-admin-js…