Swashata has written 257 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at WPQuark.com. I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

APIs on Form Submission Handling

Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_save_insert Triggered when a new submission is stored in the eForm data table. Hook Uses The callback function is passed only one argument. A reference to the IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data object that has called the hook. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-data.php. Hook: ipt_fsqm_hook_save_update Triggered when an older submission is being updated. Hook Uses The callback gets one…

APIs on form variables and data structure

Filter: ipt_fsqm_filter_valid_elements Filter is used to extend form elements which can be used by the form builder. All valid elements are categorized into four sections: Design Elements: Elements that controls the appearance of the form and has nothing to do with actual HTML form elements. MCQ Elements: Quiz elements, where scores can be set. Feedback…

APIs on basic form & submission administrative actions

Hook: ipt_fsqm_forms_deleted This is triggered when eForm is about to delete some forms from the system. Hook Uses The callback function accepts one parameter, an array of form ids that is about to get deleted. Source Located in classes/class-ipt-fsqm-form-elements-static.php. Hook: ipt_fsqm_submissions_deleted Triggered when eForm Submissions are about to be deleted from eForm data table. Hook…

APIs on form builder & plugin menu modification

Following APIs are available for modifying form builder and eForm plugin menu. Filter: ipt_fsqm_admin_tab_settings The ipt_fsqm_admin_tab_settings filter is used to filter the form builder settings tabs. Filter Uses When being called, it passes two parameters. First one is an associative array of settings tabs and their callback functions. The second is the IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Admin object that has…