Publishing Trends Using Gutenberg Block

eForm version 4.7+ comes with Gutenberg blocks. Just make sure you are on the right version to use eForm with WordPress 5.

eForm has very powerful tool to let you publish Reports & Analysis in your contents. To get started using Gutenberg blocks,  please follow the guide.

Use Embed Form Reports(trends) Block

To add a Trend Report on your post, simply click on the add block button and search for Embed Form Reports.


Click on the Add Block > eForms > Embed Form Reports(trends) block . This will bring in a block that works just like the backend reporting functionality. You need to setup following settings as required for your report.

Select form, report type, data & appearance


Just like the backend wizard, select the options. More information can be found here.

Select Chart type and Questions(Elements)

You need to select your questions from the respected categories  you want and configure the charts.

Configure Filters

Scroll down on the same page and you can enter filters for the report. 

Save Post/Page

Just publish the page and you will be all set.

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