Translating eForm plugin to your language

99% of what the plugin outputs is editable from the form builder. However, there are certain things, like the “Write here” placeholder which you can not edit straight from the plugin. For easy localization, we have made our plugin internationalized (i18n) under the text domain ipt_fsqm. We have also provided a po file to get started with.

Locating the po file

Translation Directory

Under /translations/ of eForm plugin directory, you will be able to find a file named ipt_fsqm.pot. Please check the screenshot above and below.


Translating with poedit

To translate you will need to download and install a freeware software named Poedit. Once installed open the ipt_fsqm.pot file with poedit and it should show you a window like this.

Template PO File

Making a copy under your locale

Now do a Save As of the ipt_fsqm.pot file with the a name like this ipt_fsqm-de_DE.po (considering you’d want to translate to German locale). The file name consists of two parts:

  • ipt_fsqm: Which is the text domain of our plugin and it is fixed.
  • de_DE: The locale of your language. For a list of available/supported locale please see this article on WordPress codex.

Setting correct preferences

Open the file again with poedit.Poedit catalog properties

Now go to Catalog [icon type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”] Properties.

Changing Catalog Properties

Change the language from en_US to de_DE and click the OK button.

Translating strings

Now click on individual strings and under the “Translation” textbox put your translated text. Do it one by one for all of the texts (or just the ones you’d like to translate).

Translating eForm

Once you are done, click on “Save” and it should generate file on its own.

Making it live

Now upload the and ipt_fsqm-de_DE.po files to your server inside the /translations/ directory of eForm plugin. (wp-content/plugins/wp-fsqm-pro/translations).

You should see the language change as soon as you upload it. If you still do not see it live, then probably you haven’t used the right locale or the locale isn’t set in your wp-config.php file. Please see Installing WordPress in Your Language.

That’s it. If you are having any problem, feel free to contact us through support.

Swashata has written 259 articles

Hi there, I am the Lead Developer at I love to create something beautiful for WordPress and here I write about how to use them. When I am not working, usually I am doing a number of other creative things ;).

7 thoughts on “Translating eForm plugin to your language

  1. John Doe says:

    I have WPML CMS installed on a WP 3.8 and have the following side effects which sounds to be linked to this multilingual system: When a survey is submitted, it remains with the status “processing”, 2 items are created in parallel (2 distinct IDs) and 2 identical email notifications are sent (probably one per language).
    Any ideas how to resolve that issue ?
    Thank you

  2. Guido says:

    I have a little problem with translating the “prove you are a human”. Seems as if the key has a capital P so the translation does not work. Is that possible? Please let me know. 🙂 G

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