1. Start
  2. Overview
  3. Setup Guide (Video)
  4. Installation & Compatibility
  5. Updating to Latest Versions
  6. Form Elements
  7. Shortcodes
  8. Standalone Forms
  9. User Portal (Registered Users)
  10. User Editing Submissions
  11. Score based Ranking System
  12. Upgrading from Free Version
  13. Help & Support
  14. Demo Generator
  15. Plugins API
  16. Credits
  17. Changelog

WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager - Pro

Easily Manage Feedbacks, Surveys and Quiz

WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager - Pro is a premium WordPress Plugin using which you can easily create unlimited nice looking tabbed or paginated or simple forms with MCQ and/or FreeType Questions with custom validation. All submissions are stored in the database for complete analysis.


Thank you for your interest in WP Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager - Pro, also known as FSQM Pro, a premium product of iPanelThemes .

FSQM, is a WordPress plugin which can help you collect Feedbacks, Surveys or host Quizes in your WordPress Blog. Using it, you can create unlimited forms with custom themes and collect user submissions. All user submissions are stored inside the database which you can analyze, edit and/or print. The user can also track/see their submission (obviously if you wish to) through a page.

Registered users will have an option to track all their submission through a central page. For more details please keep reading on.

Working of the Plugin:

The working of the plugin is very straight forward.

  1. You use the New Form from the FSQM Pro menu on your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. A Form can be one of three types:
    1. Normal Single Paged: Simplest appearance of the form. All the containers you add will appear right below each other. You have the option to Wrap Inside the form inside a designer div to make it look better. Or, you can simply leave it disabled to blend the form with your theme.
    2. Tabular Appearance: Make each of the form containers appear as tabs. The tabs will have title and subtile as you give to each of the containers. This is ideal to break a large form into smaller parts.
    3. Paginated Appearance: Each of the containers will be grouped into pages. You have an option to show progress bar to the surveyee. This is ideal to take quizes.
  3. A form can have any number of containers. Simple click on the Add Containers button and it will add a new container where you can drag and drop new form elements.
  4. A Form can have a total of 48 elements categorized into 4 types
    1. Design & Security: Use the elements to add eye candy or security elements to your form. Check the Design Elements section for more.
    2. Multiple Choice Questions: Add MCQs to your form which can be used to generate quiz and/or collect surveys. Elements have scoring option whenever applicable and all of them will appear on the Report & Analysis . Check Multiple Choice Question Elements for more information.
    3. Feedback & Upload: These are basically freetype questions , where users have to put their own answers. All of the answers can be set to go to one or more specific emails. This becomes handy if you are collecting feedbacks on different topics and have to email different people the answers of different topics. Additionally fileupload element can also be found here.
    4. Other Form Elements: Here we have 4 predefined text fields ( First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number ) which you can add to the form. Apart from that, another 14 types of form elements can be added. Check Other Form Elements for more information.
  5. You create a post page with preferably full-width template and use the button provided in the editor to put the form shortcode. You now have FSQM Pro Form on your page.
  6. Users submit their answers. Users also get a notification email, along with a copy of their submission and score/result card if you wish. You can also redirect them based on their score or to a particular page.
  7. Finally you use the View all Submissions menu to view the submission. You can edit/print the submission as well.

Feature Lists:

Here are the favorite features of FSQM Pro:

Free Version:

A free alternative know as WP Feedback & Survey Manager Plugin is also available. Please note that the working of both the plugins are very different and the free version has very limited functionality. Since version 2, the free version does not even come close to the pro version. But still you can try it out if you want.

For more detailed view, please refer to the Video Tutorial. Help is associated with almost every item on the administrator area. Also you might check the [HELP] button on the top-right corner of the screen. If you still can not find what you are looking for, you might want to contact us using the Support Forum .

Startup Guide:


Installation is very simple and straight forward. FSQM Pro supports both normal WordPress as well as WordPress MultiSite. Before purchasing, please make sure your server meets the requirements.


The application has been tested on WordPress 3.5 to 3.6 and should work with all updated versions. We shall release updates and patches if anything is found not working.


Since version 2.x, the pro plugin can work in parallel with the free plugin. Still, the pro pluign will not import any data from the free plugin. If you wish to, then you have to do it yourself. Also, it is recommended to delete the free plugin before installing the pro, as you will not longed be needing it anyway.

Also, it is not possible for us to make the plugin compatible with every theme out there in the market. If your theme has followed WordPress standard of coding, then this plugin will definitely work.

Some reasons why the plugin does not work with a few themes are:

What ever the reason is, it is not a standard way to change any of the default inbuilt WordPress files. If the form does not seem to work with your theme, please open a thread in our Support Forum . We will assist you with contacting your incompatible theme/plugin developer to get it fixed.

Normal WordPress Installation:

WordPress MultiSite Installation:

You will need to buy the Extended License to use FSQM with WordPress MultiSite.

FTP Installation:

If you prefer to use FTP then follow these steps:

That was all about installation. You can check the video tutotial for more detailed information.

Updating to Latest Version

Before you attempt to update, it is always recommended to take backup of the database, at least of the wp_fsq_form and wp_fsq_data tables. This ensures, you do not accidentally lose any data.

Updating from version 2.1.4+

Updating from version prior 2.1.4

If you've done everything properly, then under FSQM Pro » Dashboard the plugin version should match for Script and DB. If not, then use our support forum to get in touch.

Updating from version prior 2.x

If you are coming from a version less than 2.x and wish to update to the latest one, then you have to follow these steps:

Once you install the plugin, it will give you three preset sample form to work with. Simply go to FSQM Pro » View all Forms and start editing them. Additionally you can make copies and edit them as well.

Available Form Elements

Following form elements are available with the standard pack.

Design & Security:

Form Design & Security Tools.

  • Heading: Show a large heading text with optional scroll to top icon.
  • Rich Text: A Rich content (HTML) box. Can contain shortcodes.
  • Embed Code: Embed any code, YouTube, FaceBook, iFrame etc.
  • Collapsible Content: Collapsible content box. Can contain other elements inside it.
  • Content Box: Custom content box. Can contain other elements inside it.
  • Icons: List of icons optionally linked to some URL.
  • Column Half: Column element with width half of the container.
  • Column Third: Column element with width one third of the container.
  • Column Two Third: Column element with width two third of the container.
  • Column Forth: Column element with width one forth of the container.
  • Column Three Forth: Column element with width three forth of the container.
  • Clear Floating Columns: Clears the floating contents. Use this if after the last column of a group.
  • Horizontal Line: Horizontal line with scroll to top.
  • Divider: Divider with optional text, icon and/or scroll to top.
  • Image Slider: Image gallery slider.
  • Security Captcha: Security challenge for anti bot protection.

Multiple Choice Questions

Used for survey and/or Quiz.

  • Single Options: Can select only one option from the list of options.
  • Multiple Options: Can select multiple options from the list of options.
  • Dropdown Options: Can select only one or multiple options from a list of dropdown menu.
  • Single Slider: Can enter a number within a specified range using a slider.
  • Single Range: Can enter a number within a specified range using a slider.
  • Spinners: Can select one value from a list of available values for a number of options.
  • Multiple Grading: Can grade multiple options.
  • Star Ratings: Can rate multiple options using star rating.
  • Scale Ratings: Can rate multiple options using radio buttons.
  • Matrix Question: Format multiple questions and options inside a matrix.
  • Toggle Option: Can select between two options.
  • Sortable List: User has to sort in correct order to get better score.

Feedback & Upload

Gather and/or email feedbacks. Also upload files.

  • Large Text: Can input texts with multiple lines.
  • Small Text: Can input texts within a single line.
  • File Upload Upload multiple files and media.

Other Form Elements

All other form elements.

  • First Name (Stored in DB): Use this to collect the first name of the surveyee. Can populate in the list of entries. Can only be used once.
  • Last Name (Stored in DB): Use this to collect the last name of the surveyee. Can populate in the list of entries. Can only be used once.
  • Email (Stored in DB): Use this to collect the email of the surveyee. Can populate in the list of entries. Can only be used once.
  • Phone (Stored in DB): Use this to collect the phone number of the surveyee. Can populate in the list of entries. Can only be used once.
  • Full Name: Use this to collect names. By default only allows alphabetic characters with space.
  • Email Address: Use this to collect additional email of the surveyee. Validates the email.
  • Phone Number: Use this to collect additional phone numbers of the surveyee. Validates the number.
  • Small Text: Can input texts in a single line.
  • Large Text: Can input texts with multiple lines.
  • Password: Hidden text input.
  • Radio Options: Can select only one options from a list.
  • Checkbox Options: Can select multiple options from a list.
  • Single Checkbox: Can tick or untick an option.
  • Dropdown Option: Can select only one or multiple options from a list of dropdown menu.
  • Address: Formatted address input boxes.
  • Keypad: Keypad to enter numbers and/or text.
  • Date Time: Formatted date/time input boxes.
  • Sortable Choices: User can sort options according to their choices.


You can have as many number of forms and/or trends in a page you want. Version 2.x is completely compatible with having multiple forms in a single page.

We have four shortcodes to put the form on your WordPress frontend (theme). Publish a page with full-width template and put one or many of the shortcodes.

As of version 2.x, we have provided a shortcode button inside the WordPress editor. Use it whenever applicable. The generator has easy cutomizability for all of the options.


[ipt_fsqm_form id="form_id"]

Just use this inside a Post/Page and the form will start appearing.

Attribute Description Type Default
id The ID of the form. The numerical ID. You will get this from the View all forms page under WP FSQM. 1


[ipt_fsqm_trends form_id="form_id" title="Trends" mcq_ids="all" load="1"]

Use this to show the Trends based on all available MCQs. Just like the Report & Analysis.

Attribute Description Type Default
form_id The ID of the form. The numerical ID. You will get this from the View all forms page under WP FSQM. 1
title The title of the visualization column of the report table. String. Be descriptive for proper meaning. Trends
mcq_ids Comma separated ids of all the MCQs or all to show all of them. It is difficult to get the IDs of the questions. So simply use the shortcode generator on your editor. String all
load Server load. Numeric representation of the load of the server to calculate the report. Leave it to 1. It is recommended in most cases. Numeric
  • 0 : Light Load : 15 queries per hit. Use this if you are experiencing problems.
  • 1 : Medium Load : 30 queries per hit. Recommended for most of the shared hosting environments.
  • 2 : Heavy Load : 50 queries per hit. Use only if you own a VPS or Dedicated Hosting.


[ipt_fsqm_trackback label="Track Code:" submit="Submit"]

A page from where your users can track their submission. If it is there in the notification email, then the surveyee should receive a confirmation email with the link to the track page.

Attribute Description Type Default
label The label of the input box if no trackback ID is given already. String. Track Code:
submit The label of the submit button. String. Submit


[ipt_fsqm_utrackback nosubmission="No submissions yet." login="You need to login in order to view your submissions." show_register="1" show_forgot="1" formlabel="Form" datelabel="Date" showscore="1" scorelabel="Score" mscorelabel="Max" pscorelabel="%-age" linklabel="View" actionlabel="Action" editlabel="Edit" avatar="96" theme="default" title="FSQM Pro User Portal"]Welcome %NAME%. Below is the list of all submissions you have made.[/ipt_fsqm_utrackback]

A page from where your users can track their submission. If it is there in the notification email, then the surveyee should receive a confirmation email with the link to the track page.

Attribute Description Type Default
login The message shown to logged out users just before the login form. String. You need to login in order to view your submissions.
show_register Whether or not registration button will shown for non-signed in users. If your site settings do not support registration, then it will not be shown regardless of the settings. Numeric.
  • 0 : Do not show.
  • 1 : Show.
show_forgot Whether or not forgot password link button will shown for non-signed in users. Numeric.
  • 0 : Do not show.
  • 1 : Show.
title The heading shown beside the avatar. String. FSQM Pro User Portal
nosubmission The message shown to the user if no submissions have been made by him/her. String. No submissions yet.
formlabel The label of the Form Column of the submission table. String. Form
datelabel The label of the Date Column of the submission table. String. Date
showscore Whether or not to show score and score columns of the forms. Note that if you have this enabled and a form does not have any score information, then N/A will be shown. Numeric.
  • 0 : Do not show.
  • 1 : Show.
scorelabel The label of the Score Column of the submission table. String. Score
mscorelabel The label of the Max Score Column of the submission table. String. Max
pscorelabel The label of the Percentage Score Column of the submission table. String. %-age
actionlabel The label of the action column. String. Action
linklabel The label of the trackback buttons. String. View
editlabel The label of the edit buttons. (If present) String. Edit
avatar The size of the avatar. Leave empty or 0 to disable. Numeric 96
theme The ID of the theme used. String. default

Standalone Forms with Pretty Permalink

In FSQM Pro Version 2.1.6, we introduced a new feature called standalone forms. It helps you generate single pages on the fly, with just the form and nothing else.


Features & How tos:

User Portal

User Portal has been completely revamped in Version 2.2.0. Now you have the ability to choose:

Generating User Portal Page

The portal page is generated through Shortcode Generator » System Shortcodes. Please see the part#2 : Initial Setup of the video tutorial.

Letting users edit their submission

Since FSQM Pro version 2.2.0, it is possible to let your users edit their form. Here is how:


If you don't know how to add them, then please check the part#2 : Initial Setup of the video tutorial.

Enabling the settings

Either create a new form or edit an existing. Under Form Settings » General Settings enable Users can Edit Submission. You can also put a time limit there. Leaving empty or zero or negative means forever.

Edit Link Visibility through User Portal Page

The best place from where your registered users can visit the edit page is the User Portal page. The links will be added automatically. You can change the anchor text from the shortcode generator.

Edit Link Visibility through Trackback Page

For non-registered users, they can visit the edit link from their trackback page. Again, this is automatic and will be added beside the Print button.

Ranking System based on Score

Since FSQM Pro version 2.2.2, we have introduced a ranking system, using which you can give ranks to your users based on their percentage score. It is useful if you want to give a designation or show custom messages to users with different scores. To learn how to use it, please read on.

Enabling the system

Go to Quiz Settings » Ranking System and click on the Enable Ranking System based on Score. This will show you a number of components. To get started fill in the Ranking Title, which will be the title of this system. This will be shown specifically on trackback pages.

Understanding the components
Visibility of Ranking on Trackback page

If ranking system is enabled and the user's score falls under a valid rank, then it will be added to the trackback page.

Visibility on the Success Message

The success message can be formatted with %DESIGNATION% and %DESIGNATIONMSG% format string to show it to your users when they submit the form.

Visibility on the Notification Email

The User Notification Message can also be formatted with format strings to show the same information.

For more information, we recommend checking the included Quiz Elements sample form. If you have lost it, you can always regenarate it from FSQM Pro » Settings.

Upgrading from Free Version

Since FSQM Pro, version 2.x, if you are upgrading from the Free Version to the Premium one, then both the plugins will work in parallel. However, if you choose to uninstall the free version, here is what you need to do:

It is not possible at this point to save the data from the Free Version. We are working on it, and hopefully this will be get integrated in upcoming version.

Help & Support

Please refer to the working admin demo to see what exact features you will be getting before buying. If you think certain feature should be a part of the plugin but is not present, then you can open a thread on our Support Forum . If we see the feature is really important to the community, then we shall do our best to add it to the future version.

Getting Help

Almost every item in the FSQM Pro is associated with a help icon [?]. Just click on it to learn what does it do.

You can also click on the [HELP] button on the top-right corner of the screen to get a detailed description of the particular menu page.

If more help is needed, then we recommended checking the Video Tutorials or getting in touch using our Support Forum .

Please note that the support forum is intended to explain the functionality of the plugins and/or report bugs or incompatibility. We also take requests for new features but we reserve the sole right to accept or reject the requested feature depending on its importance.

Demo Generator

Version 2.x comes with a newer Demo Generator. Older model of the Demo Generator will not work with the newer version. If you intend to use it, then please remove the older Demo Generator and install the new one.

The plugin comes with a sample Demo Generator which you can use to populate the database for testing purpose.

With the help of this addon, you can add dummy submissions to any form that you have created, and you can:

Installation & Execution

To install it, simply follow the steps:

Unlike before the demo generator will not create any sample forms of its own, rather it will use any form that you mention. Here are a few things to note before using it:

To delete the generated demo data, simply delete the above mentioned forms. It will delete the forms along with their data. You can then, optionally deactivate and delete the demo plugin to remove every last trace of the plugin.

Simply deactivating and deleting the plugin will not remove the demo data from the database. You have to delete the forms yourself.

Plugins API

All older hooks and filters have been deprecated since version 2.x. Newer hooks and filters have been added but currently they are in beta. We shall relase the documentation when they come out of beta.

For older version, some people were using the APIs to create custom tabs. Since that is no longer necessary, we have completely gotten rid of the older APIs. We shall notify during the updates if we publicly avail the new APIs.


Thank you for your interest in WP FSQM Pro Plugin. The following Tools were used during the development of this project.

Plugin Authors:

  • Skills: WordPress Development, Network & Server Administrator, Frontend & Backend developer, jQuery Plugin Development, Search Engine Optimization
  • Languages Known: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML (5), CSS (3)
  • Skills: UI & UX Designer, Graphics Designer, Frontend Designer & Developer, Photoshop Expert, Search Engine Optimization
  • Languages Known: PL/SQL, MySQL, JavaScript/jQuery, HTML (5), CSS (3)


Coming Next (Not yet implemented)
* Add: Centralized file management system
* Add: Auto Save Option (both client side and server side)
* Add: Auto update notification on dashboard
* Add: Better looking Rating system with optional feedbacks
* Add: Several new feedback elements
* Add: Mathematical fields with advanced calculations
* Add: Customizable email template
Version 2.5.0 (6 March, 2015)
* Added: Conditional logic for containers (tabs, pages etc)
* Added: Third party integration for mailchimp, aweber, get response and campaign monitor
* Added: Quiz Timer with automatic submission (overall and page specific time limit)
* Added: Social Networking share at success message, email and trackback
* Added: Beautiful and responsive email template
* Added: Customization of summary table on trackback
* Added: Customization of trackback page to show/hide summary table, full submission and trends
* Added: LaTeX support on labels and options (via jetpack plugin)
* Added: Score attributes to rating elements with multiplier
* Added: Score attributes to slider and range elements with multiplier and custom formula
* Added: Total Submission limit per form with custom error message
* Added: Option to disable scroll to tab/page top along with offset
* Added: Anonymous submission to disable logging IP Address and User account
* Added: Overridable min, max and step values for grading and spinner options
* Enhanced: Date Time Picker with dropdown for months and years
* Enhanced: Slider and Range UI with pips support
* Fixed: Trends will ignore conditionally hidden elements
* Fixed: Cross container conditional logic bug, when element won't show up or won't hide
* Fixed: Star rating output on quick preview
* Fixed: DB Mapped fields now reset on conditional hidden logics
* Fixed: Font issue on some server
* Fixed: IE8 compatibility issue with conditional logic
* Fixed: Padding issue on input elements in bootstrap theme with no icons
* Fixed: Heading issue on trackback page for designer themes
* Fixed: DatePicker z-index for designer forms
Under the hood
* Added: TouchPunch support for jQuery UI
Files Modified
Version 2.4.0 (18 June, 2014)
* Added: 5 new designer themes
* Added: A new bootstrap theme
* Added: Richtext description for all form elements
* Added: Ability to align labels vertically
* Added: Length validation for feedback small and feedback large elements
* Added: Icons inside radio and checkboxes
* Added: Prefix and Suffix for sliders and ranges
* Added: Ability to hide form for user limitations
* Added: Ability to show form only to logged in users and show login form or redirect for everyone else
* Added: WayPoint animations to all form elements (optional)
* Added: Better fontIconPicker in the backend
* Added: 100 new handpicked Google WebFonts
* Added: Ability to block from navigating to previous tab/page
* Added: New Icon set with 850+ icons all categorized for easy browsing
* Added: Hourly and first time nonce refresh via admin-ajax.php to support for caching
* Added: Conditional logic to nested containers
* Enhanced: Heading and dividers. Now they can be multiline with scroll to top properly aligned
* Enhanced: Converted all sizes to ems which gives seemless resizing by just increasing the font size
* Enhanced: Matrix labels can now support images
* Enhanced: Rating stars will be animated on hover
* Enhanced: Refresh iframes on tab/page show or conditional show, in order to prevent some maps related bugs
* Enhanced: Do not consider score for conditionally hidden elements
* Enhanced: Always reset the data for conditionally hidden elements
* Enhanced: Form builder elements which are hidden will be grayed out
* Fixed: Consider feedback score on generating designation etc during admin update
* Fixed: Print related problems on Chrome
* Fixed: Incorrect max upload size shown in the file uploader
* Fixed: A situation when form validation will throw unnecessary error
Under the hood
* Updated printElement script to v2.0.0
* Changed the namespace of data-icon to data-ipt-icomoon for better compatibility
* Changed the class of icons from icon- to ipt-icomoon-
* Fixed an issue where invalid HTML in an element title could break the form builder
* Refreshing iframes on show so that google maps does not look weird
* Signature change for IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data->validate_data_against_conditional_logic($element, $elem_key) Now key is required
* Improved form data handling via AJAX and PHP. Now PHP post variable limit will hardly throw any error
* Provided a JS API on the standalone page so that parent can communicate
Files Edited
* (Huge changes please reupload)
/static/* (Added 6 new themes)
Version 2.3.3 (21 April, 2014)
* Added: File Uploader Report & Analysis
* Added: Preview link on View all Forms page (for quick previewing or copying the permalink of the form)
* Fixed: Matrix element responsiveness
Files Edited
Version 2.3.2 (20 April, 2014)
* Added: Duplicate button on form builder
* Added: A form export/import tool
* Fixed: CSS compatibility with new WP 3.9 admin interface
Under the hood
* Fixed: An issue when PHP would generata a notice if no files are uploaded
Files Edited
Version 2.3.1 (16 April, 2014)
* Fixed: An issue which would prevent submission of dropdown element with null selection (even if validation is set to false)
* Fixed: An issue with the User Portal page
Files Edited
Version 2.3.0 (11 April, 2014)
* Added: Classes for each of the form elements for easier CSS customization
* Added: File Uploader with integration to WP Media
* Added: Conditional Logic with grouping
* Added: Form Builder will show element title (Admin UI)
Under The Hood
* Introduction to ipt_fsqm_hook_save_fileupload hook
* Introduction to ipt_fsqm_files_blacklist filter (refer readme.txt)
* All enqueues are now filtered so can be disabled programmatically
* Added a new DB table for file management
Files Edited
/lib/js/ (Added several new files)
Version 2.2.5 (1 Nov, 2013)
* Fixed: Report & Analysis bug when some of the options are deleted from the form
* Fixed: Form logo overflowing on print mode
Files Edited
Version 2.2.4 (30 Oct, 2013)
* Added: CSS compatibility with Bootstrap (now FSQM Pro will work seamlessly with any bootstrap theme)
* Added: Date & Time picker formatting options
* Added: Logo or header images for forms
* Added: Submission limitation per registered user
* Added: Icons to tabs or containers or pages
* Added: Placeholder text for input and textarea
* Added: Customizable icons for feedback and normal text inputs
* Improved: Feedback text input can now have different validation filters
* Improved: Moved ranking system to a Quiz Settings tab on the form builder
            Coming next is more quiz related features
* Improved: Added more icons to the icon selector
* Improved: Responsiveness of tabbed forms
* Fixed: Icon related bug (not showing up) on rich text element heading
* Fixed: Rewrite rules not getting flushed properly on plugin update and/or installation
* Fixed: Long heading will now be clipped when viewed on smaller devices
Under the hood
* Added: Valid icon sets are now filtered
* Added: Icon to image mapping API to IPT_Plugin_UIF_Base
Files Edited
Version 2.2.2 (3 Oct, 2013)
* Added: Ranking System based on score
* Added: Format strings on success message. Now success message can be dynamic as well
* Added: Option for ranking information on trackback page, email notifications and success message
		 via format strings.
* Added: Option to redirect top/parent window when loaded via iFrame
* Improved: Trackback page now displays score with percentage
* Improved: Format strings on user emails
* Fixed: Button length error when in conflict with fontawesome CSS
* Fixed: Accidentally left console.log on form jquery plugin
* Fixed: Fatal error when copying form
Under the hood
* Added: a new quiz element sample form during installation
* Improved: IPT_FSQM_Form_Elements_Data APIs
* Improved: Better redirection delay handling for erroneous values
Files Edited
Version 2.2.0 (1 Oct, 2013)
* Added: Ability for users to edit their submissions based on admin given time limit
* Added: Option to use user email as send to email for administrator notification
* Added: Inbuilt support for SMTP mail, which ensures your email doesn't end up in spam
* Added: Terms & Condition Phrase for forms
* Added: i18n for jQuery Datepicker
* Improved: User Portal Page with support for theming, avatar and ajaxed data fetching (multi paged)
* Improved: DatePicker with WP locale for i18n
* Fixed: Dashboard Statistics widget bug, when one of the widget won't populate any graph
* Fixed: Password field not coming properly on some cases
Under the hood
* Added: Password field to IPT_Plugin_UIF Admin Class (IPT_Plugin_UIF_Admin::password())
* Improved: Form and Submission APIs to abstract database calls
* Improved: Significant improvements on how non smtp emails are sent to the user
			While changing the FROM and FROMNAME, we are now setting a header
			Sender: <wordpress@yoursite.com>
			to the email. This ensures your users do not get spoofed mail alert.
			Also, this header is not added in case of SMTP email.
* Improved: Form_Elements_Data class APIs
* Improved: Form_Elements_Front class APIs
* Improved: JS files for Plugins UIF (frontend and backend)
Files Edited
Version 2.1.8 (25 Sep, 2013)
* Added: Score for Matrix Type Questions
* Improved: Shortcode generator Wizard
* Improved: Button appearance and some line-height issue
* Fixed: Flush Rewrite Error on plugin activation or update
Under the hood
* Improved: Better AJAX Error handling on report generation
* Improved: Better AJAX Error handling on Dashboard Embed Code generator
* Improved: Score handling for erroneous score values
* Updated: Support forum links
Files Edited
Version 2.1.6 (23 Sep, 2013)
* Added: Standalone forms with optional theming templates (please check documentation)
* Improved: jQuery UI Spinners now have mousewheel even on frontend
* Improved: DatePicker & Keyboard appearance
* Improved: Error handling on admin section
* Improved: Report Print button appearance on admin area
* Improved: Compatibility with fontawesome CSS
* Fixed: PHP Warning when Redirection based on score is selected, yet max score is 0
Under the hood:
* Added: IPT_Plugin_UIF_Admin::button now accepts icons and anchors
* Improved: Default elements are now not replacable by external filters
* Improved: IPT_Plugin_UI_Base will now give instance based on classname AND textdomain
* Improved: Tighten capability check while saving a form builder from admin
* Improved: AJAX Response for reports and form save will now come up with proper application/json header
* Fixed: IPT_Plugin_UIF_Admin::hiddens() will now properly esc_attr attributes
* Fixed: Logical error when calling wp_ajax hook for report generators
Files Edited:
Version 2.1.4 (18 Sep, 2013)
* Added: Form Themes will show color blocks on admin panel
* Added: Option to not to delete database and settings when uninstalling
* Added: Option to restore default forms in case you want them back
* Added: Ability to add custom CSS codes to any of the forms
* Added: Auto Save for the Form Builder
* Added: IE8 Support
* Improved: Admin UI and default theme of the form
* Improved: AJAX Loaders on admin UI as well as on all forms
* Improved: System will automatically add "Untitled Form" to unnamed form as this is mandatory
* Improved: The report for range will show an average sum-product for minimum and maximum
* Improved: Overall appearance of the report table
* Improved: Admin UI JS. Events are now delegated whenever possible
* Improved: Admin Dashboard Latest Statistics widget
* Fixed: Some HTML error on quick preview
* Fixed: Font issue, body font not being applied correctly
* Fixed: Invalid rowspan on some of the report tables
* Fixed: A bug in the installation script which wouldn't let the plugin install on WordPress 3.5
* Fixed: Some PHP Notice when generating reports. This would come if you've added some new elements
  to a form and previous submissions wouldn't have any value.
* Fixed: Some gettext calls where domain was not being passed.
Under the hood
* Added: do action hooks to all enqueue calls
* Improved: Better dealing with multisite installation and uninstallation
* Fixed: Third party capability to hook into report generators
Files Edited
Version 2.1.2 (12 Sep, 2013)
* Fixed: Renamed Icons element to Icons and Buttons element
* Improved: Icons and Buttons appearances
* Fixed: Collapsible elements nesting, where the nested element's head will not appear properly
* Fixed: Collapsible elements logical error, when any required element, if nested inside a
* 		 collapsed element, will get submitted, but the server will throw an error which
* 		 would not be visible until someone expands the collapsed element. Now if any
*		 collapsed element has required element, then it will be expanded on tabs change or submit
* Fixed: Permission bug where authors (WordPress User) could edit a submission
* Fixed: Average calculation on report pages
* Added: Option for MCQ Sorting elements to not to get shuffled
* Added: Option to customize font size
* Fixed: Dashboard page latest ten submissions form link will take to view all submissions page instead of form edit page. For users without capability (authors) it will not be linked.
* Fixed: Trends and Report page Print button not fetching the class properly
* Improved: Admin UI
Under the hood
* Added: do action hook to all admin pages
* Added: Filters to report and preview related buttons
* Added: Third party capability to hook into report generators (both PHP & JS)
* Added: Hooks to form_deleted, form_updated, form_created, submission_deleted
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Files Deleted
Version 2.1.0 (30 Aug, 2013)
* Initial Release of 2.x channel
* Complete rewrite of code
* Changed all files and directory structures
* Better localization and class structure
* Integrated with iPanelThemes Plugin User Interface, which resulted in the followings:
	* Better looking, responsive and retina ready admin area
	* Fast and intuitive drag & drop builder
	* Completely ajaxed interface
Version 1.0.3
* Fixed: Miscalculated others count on report page
* Added: Now the survey report shows "Other" entries made by users
* Added: Now the complete submission can be mailed to the admin
* Added: Sending notifications to users can now be disabled by entering empty value to Notification Email under Form Customization Options
* Added: Now admin can limit number of submissions per IP Address
* Updated: Improved JavaScript for admin pages, mainly on Add New Form page
* Updated: Year of copyright notice
Files Edited
Version 1.0.2
* Fixed: MySQL bug that prevented creation of table since last update
* Updated: Proper usage of $wpdb::prepare() according to API update since WP version 3.5
Files Edited
Version 1.0.1
* Added: Shortcode ability to bypass tab type appearance
* Added: Shortcode ability to modify Next, Previous and Submit button label
* Added: Shortcode ability to modify Trends answer label
* Fixed: error with Trends
* Fixed: bug with non-required email address
* Fixed: bug with 1 submission per email
* Fixed: admin comment htmlspecialchars_decode error
* Fixed: Now we allow HTML in freetype question description
* Updated: Renamed "Feedback" to "Submission"
* Updated: The translation POT file
Files Edited
Version 1.0.0:
Initial Release